Divorce can occur to anyone regardless of the job you are doing or whether you are business partners with your spouse or not. A divorce with your husband who is also a business partner is more overwhelming and challenging to settle than when you are both doing different jobs. You had a dream to have it all including money, love and work with your partner and the idea of it ending can be very difficult to handle. However, even if things get tough, there are some dos and don’ts that you must consider to make your divorce less painful and messy. Here are the main dos and don’ts that will help you divorce your husband who happens to be your business partner in an amicable manner.
• Look For A Divorce Attorney
Once you have decided that you are divorcing your husband who is also your business partner, it is good to look for an experienced divorce attorney to assist you with the divorce process. You may not know a lot on the laws about divorce cases, but a good Tampa divorce attorney will help you in filing your divorce papers and explain in details the terms therein. He will also file restraining orders if you need one and also negotiate for better financial settlement when it comes to your business money. As long you work with a qualified Tampa divorce attorney, you will know the things that you should do and not do during the divorce process to avoid delaying it or getting unexpected results.
• Remain Focused In Your Work
Whenever you are at work try your best to remain focused on the success of the business. Any discussion about the divorce should be carried out somewhere else and not on business premises. However, since this can be a difficult time for you, it is good to work closely with a business consultant who will help you in making major business decisions. You will still need the business when the divorce is over and therefore should avoid any decision that will affect its value or success. After all, you do not know how the court will settle your business or the things that it will consider when deciding on financial matters of your divorce.
• Speak Jointly To Key Stakeholders Of The Business
Since the divorce will lead to many decisions made regarding the business, it is good you and your future ex-husband to speak to key stakeholders about your divorce. Such stakeholders include your corporate lawyer, finance manager, other shareholders, principal suppliers, lenders, important customers, and key executives. However, do not communicate with any of these people alone without your husband because you might make some people feel insecure and pressured to choose which side to support. Once you communicate with them, ask them to keep this information confidential.
• Do Not Make Hasty Decisions
Once your divorce has been filed, give yourself time before you start thinking of how your business money will be divided between you two. At this moment, you are most probably stressed, sad, angry, anxious and jealous to make any good decision. Even if your husband or other people tend to pressure you to make decisions such as whether to sell the business, to remain in business or how to divide anything, refuse to make uninformed decisions. Relax your mind first and then seek advice from your Tampa divorce attorney and other experts such as lenders, business coaches, and reliable friends and family members.
• Do Not Drug Everyone Into Your Divorce
A divorce can be hard and overwhelming to handle, but you should not drag everyone into it. For instance, keep your employees out it completely because they won’t help you in your decisions and some will feel threatened of losing their jobs in case the business dies with the divorce. Avoid having arguments with your husband at work or asking employees and colleagues to deliver messages simply because you are not talking to him. You need to be strong and act like a grown-up because your subordinates are learning from you and again you will need their respect and loyalty after the divorce is finalized.